Mario Bomber 4
Jocuri cu Mario Noi Gratis. Jocuri. Mario. net Locul tau pentru cele mai bune jocuri cu mario si luigi. Mario Bomber 4' title='Mario Bomber 4' />Mario Super. Mario. Glitchy. 4 Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia Mario. Vital statistics. LNhyzmaCk/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Mario Bomber 4' title='Mario Bomber 4' />
Current Position Mascot of Nintendo, and the most recognizable and successful video game figure ever. Current Age Born January 1 1. Nintendo canon 3. Smg. 4verse varies mentioned ages include 3. Sage Act Premium 2011 V13 Cracked'>Sage Act Premium 2011 V13 Cracked. Current Status Alive. Also known as Mario is not gay, Master Mario Toadsworth. Physical attributes. Weight 2. 5. 2. 02. Gg gigagrams about 5. Friends Luigi, Princess Peach, Super. Mario. Glitchy. 4, Steve, Toad, Bowser, Bowser Jr. Enemies Super. Mario. Glitchy. 3, Bowser formerly, Purple Guy, Springtrap, Policeman sometimes. Likes Spaghetti, Luigi, Peach tentative, SMG4, Steve, Bowser. Dislikes Super. Mario. Mario Adorf, Actor Die Blechtrommel. Mario Adorf, a telltale name indeed. Mario calls to mind the actors Italian roots his father was a Calabrian surgeon whereas. Play Super Mario Bomber 2. Remember the game Bomberman, well now play Super MARIO BOMBER, the same awesome features transplanted into our own unique Mario Game. Moved Permanently. The document has moved here. Online Free Mario Games Play at 211games. The latest and greatest free online Mario Games which are safe to playGlitchy. Weegee, Bob, etc. The subject of this article exists in an alternate canon Click here to read about Mario at MM5. Wiki. The subject of this article exists in an alternate canon Click here to read about Mario at the SMG4 Fanon Wiki. Mario full name Mario Sexy the Plumber is an Italian plumber originally from Nintendos Mario franchise. As most of Super. Mario. Glitchy. 4s bloopers make heavy use of Super Mario 6. Mario is the main protagonist in the SMG4verse and appears in most of Super. Mario. Glitchy. 4s videos. Mario can lapse into periods of outright retardation. To signal this, SMG4 makes the plumbers eyes cross outward. Mario is often portrayed as a dumb and morbidly obese spaghetti addict. While he seems to think he is popular and has lots of swag, Mario is in reality an attention hogging, gay and pedophilic streaker who has been arrested several times. In addition, Mario has been depicted as a pervert, zoophile, prostitute, drug addict, and drunkard. Lakitu l k i t u or l k t u, known in Japan as Jugem, Jugemu, d. Because most of the aforementioned traits are played for comedy, Mario is the protagonist of many bloopers. While he can act somewhat bipolar, and is usually enraged by the slightest things, Mario is often cheerful to the point of annoyance. Appearance. Mario wears a long sleeved red shirt, blue overalls with yellow buttons, brown shoes,and with gloves. He has a red cap, brown hair, a black mustache and blue eyes. Personality. In Nintendo canon, Mario is a friendly plumber who helps anyone in need, devotes most of his time to rescuing the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, and participates in sports matches, kart races and parties often. However, in Super. Mario. Glitchy. 4s bloopers, Mario is selfish, lazy, and somewhat brain dead, almost the complete opposite of the Nintendo canon. Mario acts as a major bother to everyone living in Princess Peachs Castle. He also needs attention an example is when, during the events of You. Tube Mario, he created the channel theawesomario to get SMG4s attention and surpass his level of popularity. While Mario sometimes shows signs he cares for others like SMG4, it is often overshadowed by how much of a jerk he can be. Despite this, Mario is mostly a good person, but yet he has many flaws. Relationships. A drawing of Mario and SMG4. Fanart of Mario and SMG4, in the art style of the Paper Mario series. Windows 10 Iso 32 Bit Highly Compressed Game here. Super. Mario. Glitchy. SMG4 is one of Marios friends however, the two are prone to incessant fighting, even over minor issues. SMG4 frequently gets fed up with Marios antics and stupidity, often insulting the plumber with homophobic slurs. Mario also has problems with Glitchy for example, he finds SMG4s SM6. Mario and SMG4s hostility towards each other has practically been monetized with the annual War of the Fat Italians. Mario and SMG4 seem to have a love hate relationship, but they remain friends for several reasons. SMG4 has been shown to care deeply about Mario, and after a particularly tough ordeal will ask the latter for forgiveness. Mario will also get sappy during these scenes, but his emotions have often been used or discarded for comic relief. In short, Mario and SMG4 are perfectly fine with one another when something crazy isnt happening. Luigi. Mario has been shown to heavily abuse Luigi by insulting him, beating him up, and, in early bloopers, even resorting to fratricide. It is possible that Mario resents Luigi for outperforming him in Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart and Mario Party. Mario also becomes irate when Luigi out jumps him in Long jump. Luigi also possesses some bitterness towards Mario, and can, like SMG4, get fed up with Marios constant stupidity. Despite their sibling rivalry, Mario and Luigi do seem to truly care for each other. As an example, Luigi once risked his life to rescue Mario from a kidnapper. In addition to that, when Luigi died in Ssenmodnar 9, Mario cries, and attempted to use E. Gadds time traveler to revive him. Luigi also states that Mario is nice to him when sober. Mario and Luigis true relation is unclear. While usually said to be brothers which is canonical in official media, hence the Bros., there are conflicting accounts of Mario and Luigis relation. It has also been suggested that Mario is Luigis birthparent, that Mario and Luigi met at an orphanage, and that Luigi is Marios sister. Toad. In 2. 01. 1 and 2. Mario was a constant annoyance to Toad, causing the latter to be easily annoyed with the plumber. Toad used to have spiteful resentment for Mario, as well as for his specialness and hijinks. Even when Mario was not actually annoying Toad, the fungus showed reservation and a Squidward Sponge. Bob complex around the plumber. In more recent bloopers, Toad has started putting up with Mario in fact, Toad himself has become an incredibly annoying character that Mario himself cannot stand. From 2. 01. 3 onward, Toad has regularly professed his friendship to Mario in his raspy voice. Bowser. As in Nintendo canon, Mario and Bowser are usually cast as rivals. A Volte Ritornano Pdf Files. However, in the SMG4 universe, the two can cooperate when working towards a common goal such as cooking or Peach hating. Bowser has several claims for his usual hatred of Mario the plumber has ostensibly crapped on him when the two were infants, as well as made him drop his sandwich. Mario reacting to him rescuing the Princess. Between videos, Marios relationship with Bowser can range from complete hatred to minor annoyance, and even to compassion or cooperation. Peach. In the earliest bloopers, Mario had a one way love interest for Peach. Since 2. 01. 2, however, Mario and Peach have displayed mutual hatred. Mario in particular is sick of saving her and claims that the princess is a bitch. Mario has been revealed to be attracted to her curves and very attracted to her boobs, but otherwise seems fed up with Peachs mind numbing stupidity and vulnerability. However, Peach and Mario have been confirmed to have had sex before. Bowser Jr. In Retarded. Son of a Bowser, Mario had to babysit Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. thinks of Mario as his uncle while Mario is pretty irresponsible with the job and Bowser feared that Mario would injure him. Mario thinks hes cute while Bowser Jr. Bowser Jr. felt bad after Bowser burned him. Abilities. Mario has a multitude of strengths and powers. He has so many, well have to narrow the list. Here are his primary shown powers. Superhuman Strength Mario has been strong enough to punch people several feet away, and lift Bowser, who weighs over 3. He also punched a pilot straight through the window and down to the ground in Super Happy Magical Fun Fun Island, and once even lifted King Bob omb calculated to weigh 3.